The Filipino Martial Arts, referred to as Kali, Eskrima, or Arnis, have commonly been associated with their numerous weaponry systems including single stick, double stick, stick and dagger, dagger(s), staff, and flexible tools (like the handkerchief).
While these trainings tools make up a majority of the Filipino Martial Arts, there is a entire empty hand component including Panantukan (Filipino Boxing), Pananjakman (Kicking), Dumog (Grappling), Layug (Throwing), Kunsi (Locking) and Tu'ok (Choking) skills.
The Filipino Martial Arts are both an excellent self-protection and self-perfection system as they appeal to the practical application as well as the aesthetic side of martial sciences.
Used in mortal combat for centuries, Kali is a battle-tested art that has a modern, practical approach. This training develops high levels of coordination, line familiarization, balance, timing, and reflexes.
We are proud to represent the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts under the direction of the legendary Guro Dan Inosanto, made possible by the support of Sifu Christian Malgeri, of Martial Arts Unlimited , and Sigung David Hatch, of Attributive Martial Arts .
- Weaponry-based: Learn Single Stick, Double Stick, Stick & Dagger, Knife, Staff, and more to improve Coordination, Reflexes, and Timing
- Empty Hand Applications: Full complement of strikes, kicks, locks, chokes, throws, and takedowns to create a powerful self-defense program
- Dual Certificate Program achieving ranking in Filipino Martial Arts and Madjapahit Martial Arts
- Modern Approach/Traditional Arts: Learn the beautiful forms and flowing drills of Kali-Silat as you fine tune your self-preservation skills.
Certified Instructor under Inosanto Academy in Filipino Martial Arts and Maphilindo Silat under Guro Dan Inosanto